Get Over Yourself and Get Into God!!

I was talking to a friend this morning at church and she commented that she enjoyed my little “message” video on Facebook. I confessed to her that I didn’t know why I found myself posting these videos the last couple of days.

I am overly critical of myself – how I sound…how I look. And I found myself saying, “But, it’s not about me!! It’s about the Lord!”

Immediately, I had one of those AHA moments!! Maybe that’s why the Lord gently pushed me into putting myself out there – for me to get over myself! LOL!

Do you find yourself pulling away from being noticed…wanting to blend into the background? Are you like me…overly critical of yourself…seeing every fault and feeling that everyone else sees them too?

Well, dearest one, get over yourself and get into God!! May we be more concerned about letting HIS Light shine brightly through us and not be so concerned about how OUR “light” looks!

Forgive me, Lord, for being self-conscious instead of God-conscious! Forgive me, Lord, for holding back because of how I feel or how I look! Cover me, Lord, with YOUR beauty; YOUR grace; and YOUR love!! May I be a reflection of YOUR glory!!  

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